Shane is a young professional who has just purchased a beautiful home in Carmel Valley, a neighborhood located in North San Diego County. The house had an amazing view of the surrounding hills, and a spacious backyard with a sparkling pool.

However, the flooring in the upstairs area was outdated and unappealing, with yellow-green discoloration in all the carpeted areas including old carpet in the master bathroom.

He wanted to give the house a much-needed facelift by replacing the flooring in the upstairs area so he contacted San Diego Flooring Pros and asked us to provide a quote for the job. We met with him to provide a complete Design Audit and assessed the condition of the existing floors and discussed the options of using carpet versus a luxury vinyl plank

After careful consideration, Shane decided to keep all of the travertine but decided to remove the old carpet from the bathroom and replace it with a wide vinyl plank. This not only gave the bathroom a cleaner and more modern look but also made it more hygienic.

Our team also removed all the carpet from the bedrooms, office, halls and stairs and replaced it with a light-colored carpet that complemented the house’s stunning features.

The project took a few days to complete, but the results were well worth it. The new flooring gave the house a fresh, updated look and made the upstairs area feel more inviting and comfortable. Shane was thrilled with the outcome and couldn’t wait to show off his beautiful new home to his friends and family.